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How can leaders deal with Organisational Change?

Do you know that almost 70% of change initiatives fail.... So if your people aren't ready to adapt any changes your try to do will fail.

However, studies have shown that employee readiness is critical to organisational change success.

Wouldn't it be great to know that there is a tool out there that works with the right approach....?

Making changes across an organisation requires a thorough understanding of the company, it's culture and most importantly the people who work within it. Leaders can find this challenging to get to grips with all of this and it can become overwhelming!

Leaders! You don't have to make changes alone...

With the use of Insights Discovery leaders don't have to try to implent orgnisational change alone. Understanding your teams and knowing there are a wide range of colour energies across your company can support changes in a postive way.

So how do you get ready to embrace change with this tool?

Our approach at InspireOD alongside the approach of Insights Discovery is to be people orientated not process centred.

We take this four colour mode tool and use it to get a better undertanding of your people, how they deal with changes, their preferrefed communication styles and what motovates and engages them. We work with you to ensure each team in your organisation undertsands themselves better and the people they work with to create a more productive and innovative thinking environment.

Gaining a better knowledge of this across your company allows your people to be more self aware of their motivators, what de-motivates them but what support they need to over come this. How they can draw on each others strengths and how they can support each other to be more effective. This knowldge creates an enviroment where your people are more adaptable and resilient to change.

Using a good mix of the colour energies

One of the key takeaways to using Insights Discovery is to conciously use all four colour energies when making decisions, implementing change and communicating with others. Having teams that use a blend of all four preferences will ensure better success in decisions, team effectiveness and overall achieve a more resilient workforce.

Who wouldn't want to work in a company that is committed to it's people and allow them to be involved in company decisions, building strong teams and learn how to be more reslient with support from their organisation..?

"Implementing a successful change management initiative isn't a one-time thing. Creating lasting change requires companies to evolve, and those that evolve successfully can achieve stronger financial performance." - Gallup

Are you ready to implement successful change?

Are you and your organisation ready to implement real change and ensure it is sustainable, structured and successful...?

Work with InspireOD to create an environemnt where your staff feel engaged and your company is an employer of choice.

To find out more about how InspireOD use Insights Dicsovery to support organisational change, contact us today!



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