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Leadership - What stresses you out and what are you doing about it?


Being a leader can be stressful - dealing with various priorities and keeping your team motivated... like spinning 100+ plates at once and trying to not let any of them drop. Even when you think you're hiding your stress well, it unconsciously leaks out, it can and will impact on your team.

Do you know that understanding more about your leadership style and preferences can help you to cope with some of these pressures...

Insights Discovery can help you explore your leadership style, what situations can cause you to feel more stressed and provide some suggestions on how to deal with your pressure points.

With a detailed 1:1 consultation with InspireOD using the Insights Discovery tool you can begin your journey in understand your leadership preferences.

Leadership utilising Insights Discovery
Leadership - What stresses you out and what can you do about it?

As we know Insights Discovery, utilises the 4 colour model to explore our thinking and feeling preferences. Here are some tips for you to get you started before you embark on your personalised 1:1 consultation with InspireOD....

Tip #1 - Those leading with Fiery Red energy

You can become stressed by decisions having to continuously go to committees, having a lack of control of situations and a lack of immediacy in action.

What can you do?

Have pulse checks with your team to ensure they understand the priorities. Make sure everyone feels heard, and really listen to them but make it clear you have final say.

And lastly... you have a team, you don't need to be in control all of the time. Try to focus on ups killing staff so they can take some responsibility

Tip #2 - Those leading with Sunshine Yellow

You can become stressed if there is a lack of flexibility in your workload. It is a serious team culture with no room for fun and you feel like your ideas are not being listened to.

What can you do?

Gather the ideas of the collective team and send them up the chain, there's power in numbers.

Introduce a 'casual' Friday where you and the team have a pooled lunch and spend time together.

Hold a 'Happy Hour' once a week where you and the team stop for an hour on the day to day tasks work on something as a team you enjoy together.

Tip #3 - Those leading with Earth Green

You can become stressed if there are too many distractions, enforced deadlines and having sudden changes to priorities.

What can you do?

Ask for reasons so you can understand why the changes have happened. Enlist the whole team's help, you can get there together.

Allow for quiet time and concentrate on getting as many details as possible before beginning a project with the team.

Tip #4 - Those leading with Cool Blue

You can become stressed if there is a lack of structure in a team members work, there is constant irrelevant chatter and poor quality of work.

What can you do?

Be fair to the team by being transparent about what you're looking for, let go a little and trust your teams instincts if their output is generally good.

Get in touch.....

A detailed Insights Discovery profile and 1:1 consultation with InspireOD can give you a deeper understanding of your preferences and you can work with these preferences to ensure you can understand your leadership style more, how this is perceived my your colleagues at work and how to use your strength to be a more effective leader.

To find out more about how you can begin this journey, contact InspireOD today!



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